A Complete Guide to Blockchain Bridges: Connecting the Web3

Ever wished your Bitcoin could mingle with Ethereum’s DeFi party? Or that your favorite NFT could hop between different gaming worlds?

What if your digital assets weren’t confined to a single blockchain, like isolated islands? Imagine a free flow of value, data, and possibilities across the Web3. This is the transformative power of blockchain bridges.

At Dexola, we love the idea of breaking down barriers in the blockchain world. With our expertise in blockchain bridges, you will unlock a new era of interoperability and innovation.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of blockchain bridges, a.k.a. crypto bridges, a.k.a. cross-chain bridges. We’ll demystify their technology, showcase their benefits, and guide you through the process of choosing the right bridge for your needs.

What is a Blockchain Bridge?

A blockchain bridge is a technology that allows for transferring information and assets (like cryptocurrencies or NFTs) between different blockchains. It acts as a translator or gateway connecting these separate blockchain ecosystems.

Think of cross-chain bridges as a neck plug switch between the Matrix and the real world. While not moving actives to another network, the bridge “freezes” the assets on one side, and creates their exact copy to take actions on the other. To add to the metaphor, the information exchange is performed by Oracles. This system enables the transfer of tokens between otherwise incompatible blockchains.

Why is this important? Blockchains are often built with different purposes and technologies in mind. Bitcoin, for example, prioritizes security and storage of value, while Ethereum is a hub for decentralized applications and smart contracts. 

Bridges unlock the potential for these diverse ecosystems to interact and collaborate, expanding the possibilities for both users and developers.

How Do Blockchain Bridges Work?

Blockchain bridges may sound like magic, but they’re built on solid engineering principles. Let’s see how they function.

Key Components of a Blockchain Bridge

From the technical side, a few key components work together to ensure that blockchain bridges operate securely and efficiently:

  • Smart contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing digital agreements of a kind. They’re the backbone of most bridges, automatically handling the complex logic of locking, minting, burning, and releasing tokens.

  • Oracles

Oracles gather data for the bridges from outside the blockchain (e.g., verifying that an asset has been locked on one chain) and relay it to the smart contracts, ensuring everything happens as it should.

  • Validators/relayers

These are the bridge’s quality control team. They verify transactions, maintain consensus between blockchains, and ensure the flow of assets. In decentralized bridges, validators often stake their own tokens as collateral, ensuring they act honestly.

  • Multi-signature wallets

These digital vaults require multiple keys to authorize transactions, adding an extra layer of security and making it difficult for a bad actor to compromise the bridge’s funds.

These components create the infrastructure that allows blockchain bridges to function.

Methods Behind the Blockchain Bridges, Their Pros and Cons

As for the bridge functioning process, here’s a simplified explanation of two common approaches:

  1. Wrapped asset method (lock and mint)
    • Your token is “locked” in a smart contract on its native blockchain.
    • A corresponding “wrapped” version of the token is “minted” (created) on the destination blockchain.
    • This wrapped token represents the original asset’s value and is used on the new chain.
    • To get your original asset back, you “burn” (destroy) the wrapped token, and the original is released from the smart contract.
  2. Liquidity pool method
    • Liquidity providers deposit assets into pools on both sides of the bridge.
    • Users swap their tokens directly from one pool to another, receiving the equivalent amount on the destination chain.
    • Smart contracts manage the pools and ensure a balanced exchange rate.

Though both methods provide the transfer of value across blockchains, each has pros and cons:

Wrapped asset method (lock and mint) pros: it is considered more secure due to the 1:1 backing of wrapped tokens by the original asset. It is very transparent and versatile, used for a wide range of assets, including fungible tokens and NFTs.

Among its cons is relying on centralized custodians to hold the locked assets, which demands a degree of trust. Besides, the locking, minting, burning, and unlocking processes add extra complexity for users.

The pros of the liquidity pool method include a greater degree of decentralization, as it relies on liquidity pools and automated market makers (AMMs). It is faster than the wrapped asset method and incentivizes liquidity providers to participate through rewards, ensuring the availability of assets for swaps.

Its cons are bigger risk, as liquidity providers face impermanent loss if the value of assets in the pool changes. Large transactions lead to price slippage, and asset support is limited, especially for assets with low liquidity or unique properties.

Choosing the method for your blockchain bridge:

To choose an optimal method for you, consider the following factors:

  • Security: if you value being safe, the wrapped asset method is preferable due to its 1:1 backing.
  • Speed and convenience: the liquidity pool method is a better fit for fast and efficient transactions.
  • Asset type: Consider the specific assets you want to transfer and check if the chosen method supports them.
  • Decentralization: if it’s a priority, get a bridge using a trustless liquidity pool model or a wrapped asset method with decentralized custody.

The Benefits of Blockchain Bridges for Everyone

Blockchain bridges offer a multitude of advantages, creating connections that tie up the whole Web3 into a bustling megapolis:

  • Expanded Interoperability

Bridges connect blockchains, allowing them to communicate and share information. This opens up numerous crosschain possibilities. For example, you “wrap” your Bitcoin into a token that functions on Ethereum (e.g., WBTC or renBTC) and use it to lend, borrow, or trade on popular DeFi platforms like Aave or Uniswap. 

NFTs, too, are no longer confined to a single blockchain. Bridges like Wormhole allow you to move your NFTs between networks like Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon, expanding their potential audience and marketplace.

  • Increased Liquidity and Accessibility

With bridges, you easily move your tokens between chains, accessing new markets and opportunities. For instance, you could directly exchange your Avalanche-based tokens for Polygon-based tokens without going through a centralized exchange.

  • Promoting Innovation

Bridges combine different blockchain protocols and components like building blocks, enabling exciting new cross-chain applications and services that were previously impossible. 

  • Scalability and Efficiency

By allowing users to transfer assets and transactions to less congested chains, bridges reduce the burden on busy networks like Ethereum. Faster and more affordable transactions ensure that as the demand for blockchain technology grows, the infrastructure withstands the increased traffic.

There are cross-chain bridges that allow users to transfer funds between blockchains built on different technologies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin), as well as between Layer 2 scaling solutions (Arbitrum, Optimism).

  • Cheaper Transactions

Transferring assets to blockchains with lower fees, such as BSC, Polygon, or Avalanche, can help users save on transaction costs. This is especially true for small transfers, where Ethereum fees can make up a significant portion of the transaction amount.

Real-world examples of blockchain bridges benefits:

  • Decentralized finance (DeFi): Bridges enable you to leverage assets from one chain on another’s DeFi platforms, maximizing yield and exploring diverse financial instruments.
  • NFTs and gaming: Your favorite in-game items and NFTs now travel between different blockchain-based games and marketplaces, opening up new avenues for creativity and value.

Types of Blockchain Bridges

Not all bridges are created equal. Here’s a breakdown of the two main categories:

  1. Trusted bridges:
    • Rely on a central authority or federation to manage various aspects of the bridging process, including asset custody, validation and verification of transactions, implementing security measures, and resolving any disputes or issues.
    • Some have a more centralized structure, with a single entity holding power, while others employ a federation model, where a group of trusted entities share responsibility.
    • Pros: Often faster and easier to use.
    • Cons: Require trust in the central entity.
  2. Trustless bridges:
    • Instead of relying on a central authority, these operate autonomously using smart contracts. The decentralized design eliminates the point of failure associated with centralized entities and is inherently more secure. 
    • While smart contracts are designed to be secure, they are not immune to bugs or vulnerabilities. 
    • Pros: Offer a higher degree of security and decentralization.
    • Cons: More complex and has slower transaction times.

Within these categories, you’ll find a variety of bridge types designed for specific use cases and levels of complexity. Some popular examples include:

  • Chain-to-chain bridges: Connect specific pairs of blockchains (e.g., Ethereum to Polygon).
  • Multichain bridges: Connect multiple blockchains, offering greater flexibility (e.g., Synapse).
  • Cross-chain messaging protocols: Enable communication and data transfer between chains.

How to Ensure Blockchain Bridge Security

Blockchain bridges are powerful tools, but they also present potential security risks. 

Hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities to exploit, as evidenced by past bridge attacks, like the Ronin Bridge attack in 2022, when hackers stole over $625 million in cryptocurrency from the Ronin Bridge, which connects the Ethereum blockchain to the Axie Infinity game. 

Another well-known is the breach of the Wormhole bridge, which connects Solana to other blockchains. It was exploited for $320 million due to a vulnerability in its smart contract.

That’s why it’s crucial to choose bridges that prioritize security with multiple safety protocols:

  • Thorough audits
  • Decentralized validators
  • Multi-signature wallets

At Dexola, security is at the forefront of our bridge development process. We adhere to the highest security standards and best practices to ensure the safety of your assets.

Choosing the Right Blockchain Bridge for Your Project

With so many options available, how do you select the right blockchain bridge? Consider these factors:

  • Supported blockchains and assets: Does the bridge connect the networks and support the tokens you need?
  • Trust model: Do you prefer a trusted or trustless bridge, and what are the trade-offs for your specific use case?
  • Transaction speed and fees: How fast do you need your transactions to be processed, and what fees are you willing to pay?
  • Liquidity and volume: Does the bridge have sufficient liquidity to support your transactions, and what is its overall trading volume?
  • Security features and reputation: What security measures are in place, and does the bridge have a good track record?
  • User interface: Is the bridge’s interface intuitive and easy to use?

What Is the Future of Blockchain Bridges?

Bridges are at the heart of the ongoing blockchain transformation. As more bridges are built and refined, a shift towards an interconnected, multi-chain metaverse happens. 

Projects like Cosmos and Polkadot are building interconnected networks of blockchains, known as “interchains” or “parachains.” These increased interoperability networks create a world where your digital assets, data, and applications flow effortlessly between blockchains, regardless of their underlying technology. 

With increased interoperability, we’re also seeing a surge in the development of cross-chain applications (dApps) that combine the security of Bitcoin with the smart contract capabilities of Ethereum or the speed of Solana with the privacy of Zcash. 

Thorchain, for example, is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to swap native assets across different blockchains without wrapped tokens. 

Bridges also bring a solution to blockchain scalability, which has been a problem for a while. Polygon, a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, utilizes bridges to enable faster and cheaper transactions. 

At Dexola, we keep close track of this exciting evolution. 

Dexola’s Take on Blockchain Interoperability

Our team of experts is dedicated to building the next generation of blockchain bridges that will unlock the full potential of Web3. The real-world value of blockchain bridges is undeniable. They are already transforming the way we interact with and utilize blockchain technology, and their potential impact is only beginning to be realized.

If you’re with us on this and ready to contribute to the emerging cross-chain universe, contact Dexola without hesitations, and let’s build bridges together!


1. What is the most secure type of blockchain bridge?

Both trusted and trustless bridges have their own security considerations. Trustless bridges, while offering decentralization, are vulnerable to smart contract exploits. Trusted bridges, while relying on a central authority, often have robust security measures in place. The most secure bridge for you depends on your specific needs and risk tolerance.

2. Are there any fees associated with using blockchain bridges?

Yes, most blockchain bridges charge fees for their services. These fees vary depending on the bridge, the assets being transferred, and network congestion. It’s essential to research and compare fees before choosing a bridge.

3. What are the risks of using blockchain bridges?

The primary risks associated with blockchain bridges are security vulnerabilities and the potential for hacks. It’s important to choose reputable bridges that have undergone thorough security audits and prioritize user safety.

4. Can I use a blockchain bridge to transfer NFTs?

Yes, many blockchain bridges support the transfer of NFTs between different networks. However, it’s important to verify that the specific bridge you choose supports NFT transfers and the specific NFT standard you’re using.

CTO/Co-founder at Dexola

As the CTO and co-founder of Dexola, I lead a team of over 30 highly qualified developers delivering cutting-edge solutions for blockchain, DeFi, and AI projects. Dexola is the result of a strategic partnership with Trinetix Inc., an enterprise-level outsourcing company.

With over 15 years of experience in software engineering, data science, and business analysis, my mission is to empower clients with innovative and secure solutions. I am passionate about exploring new possibilities and challenges in this rapidly evolving field of Web3.

Key Areas of Expertise:

- Web3 Solutions: Leading the development of next-generation decentralized applications and platforms.
- AI and Machine Learning: Expanding artificial intelligence to strengthen blockchain and Web3 projects.
- Business Strategy: Combining technical expertise with strategic insights to drive business growth and innovation.

My dedication to advancing technology and my ability to lead and inspire people help our clients achieve their ambitious goals. My work continues to push the boundaries of what's possible, setting new standards for innovation and security in the industry.